Welcome to Abiding Presence Lutheran Church!
Easter Sunday Worship Schedule
7:00 am – Sunrise Service
8:00 am – Breakfast
9:30 am – Easter Celebration Serviced
10:30 am – Easter Egg hunt
Festival of Easter Sunday, April 21st
Every Sunday is an Easter Celebration. Following our journey of Holy Week, however, we come to the tomb we left on Friday to experience Easter anew. This is the festival that focuses the rest. It is the proclamation of Christ’s victory over sin and death. It is the invitation to leave behind the empty tomb and enter into life with God!
Sunrise Service Columbarium at 7:00 am: As the women went early on that first Easter, we also will gather at that place where it seemed the world won. He has risen! He is not there!
Easter Breakfast at 8:00 am: Come and join in this time of breaking bread together. During the Easter Season, we will hear of the risen Lord meeting the disciples over breakfast and inviting them into new relationship and mission.
Festival of Easter Service at 9:30 am: We gathered at that place of death and saw the empty tomb. Now, we see the sanctuary come to life with the living presence of God. We will praise God with the fullness of the blessings and gifts God has given us and find ourselves renewed for life. He has Risen! He has risen indeed!
Easter Egg Hunt: Now we know that Jesus is no longer in the tomb. The stone has been rolled back and the “Alleluia’s” have been released. We do not end the service by leaving Christ in the tomb. We now look for Easter breaking out in the world. Following the service, you are invited to stay for some refreshments and fellowship as the kids hunt for eggs.