The kickoff of our fall faith formation ministries is September 10th with our God’s Work Our Hands Sunday Celebration and with Children’s church and Children’s Sunday School the following week! 

Part of getting ready for this big day is knowing how many students we anticipate having in each grade. Although registration officially ended August 27th, you’re still invited to sign up your children using this form ( All God’s children are always welcome in our faith formation classes, whether registered or not. Your participation is important in delivering this meaningful mission.

Children’s Church (Pre-K- 2nd grade) and Sunday School will begin on September 17, 2023.

All families of children enrolled in these ministries will be expected to contribute a small amount of time assisting these ministries; however, all APLC members are welcome to help. 

If you are not registering a child but wish to serve as a teacher or teacher’s assistant for Children’s Church (during worship) or Children’s Sunday School (after worship) please contact Pastor Kim (  We will be glad to welcome you to our teaching team!