Congratulations Pastor Emily!
Emily Graff Ordination and Installation service Sunday, August 18th
As Lutherans, we gather to participate in worship, to return thanks and praise for all that God has given us. In a typical Sunday morning worship, we participate by praying, singing, reading/listening to the Bible, speaking, confessing our sins, receiving forgiveness, sharing God’s peace, giving an offering, and receiving Holy Communion. Our 9:30am service is offered in a style that is a blend of traditional hymns and liturgy with a contemporary praise band.
Sunday Worship Live Schedule
9:30AM – Worship Service
10:45am – Sunday School (Sept – May)
If you can’t be here in person, please consider joining our live-streamed worship service on Sundays at 9:30 am.
You can also visit our YouTube or Facebook pages to view previous services.